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Android Studio Development Essentials - Android 6 Edition

8,836 bytes added, 19:19, 5 January 2016
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#* [[Working with the Google Maps Android 6 API in Android Studio|Controlling the Map Camera]]<br><br>
# [[Printing with the Android 6 Printing Framework]]
#* [[Printing with the Android 6 Printing Framework|The Android Printing Architecture]]#* [[Printing with the Android 6 Printing Framework|The Print Service Plugins]]#* [[Printing with the Android 6 Printing Framework|Google Cloud Print]]#* [[Printing with the Android 6 Printing Framework|Printing to Google Drive]]#* [[Printing with the Android 6 Printing Framework|Save as PDF]]#* [[Printing with the Android 6 Printing Framework|Printing from Android Devices]]#* [[Printing with the Android 6 Printing Framework|Options for Building Print Support into Android Apps]]#* [[Printing with the Android 6 Printing Framework|Image Printing]]#* [[Printing with the Android 6 Printing Framework|Creating and Printing HTML Content]]#* [[Printing with the Android 6 Printing Framework|Printing a Web Page]]#* [[Printing with the Android 6 Printing Framework|Printing a Custom Document]]<br><br># [[An Android 6 HTML and Web Content Printing Example]]#* [[An Android 6 HTML and Web Content Printing Example|Creating the HTML Printing Example Application]]#* [[An Android 6 HTML and Web Content Printing Example|Printing Dynamic HTML Content]]#* [[An Android 6 HTML and Web Content Printing Example|Creating the Web Page Printing Example]]#* [[An Android 6 HTML and Web Content Printing Example|Removing the Floating Action Button]]#* [[An Android 6 HTML and Web Content Printing Example|Designing the User Interface Layout]]#* [[An Android 6 HTML and Web Content Printing Example|Loading the Web Page into the WebView]]#* [[An Android 6 HTML and Web Content Printing Example|Adding the Print Menu Option]]<br><br># [[A Guide to Android 6 Custom Document Printing]]#* [[A Guide to Android 6 Custom Document Printing|An Overview of Android Custom Document Printing]]#* [[A Guide to Android 6 Custom Document Printing|Custom Print Adapters]]#* [[A Guide to Android 6 Custom Document Printing|Preparing the Custom Document Printing Project]]#* [[A Guide to Android 6 Custom Document Printing|Creating the Custom Print Adapter]]#* [[A Guide to Android 6 Custom Document Printing|Implementing the onLayout() Callback Method]]#* [[A Guide to Android 6 Custom Document Printing|Implementing the onWrite() Callback Method]]#* [[A Guide to Android 6 Custom Document Printing|Checking a Page is in Range]]#* [[A Guide to Android 6 Custom Document Printing|Drawing the Content on the Page Canvas]]#* [[A Guide to Android 6 Custom Document Printing|Starting the Print Job]]#* [[A Guide to Android 6 Custom Document Printing|Testing the Application]]<br><br># [[Handling Different Android 6 Devices and Displays]]#* [[Handling Different Android 6 Devices and Displays|Handling Different Device Displays]]#* [[Handling Different Android 6 Devices and Displays|Creating a Layout for each Display Size]]#* [[Handling Different Android 6 Devices and Displays|Providing Different Images]]#* [[Handling Different Android 6 Devices and Displays|Checking for Hardware Support]]#* [[Handling Different Android 6 Devices and Displays|Providing Device Specific Application Binaries]]<br><br># [[Signing and Preparing an Android 6 Application for Release]]#* [[Signing and Preparing an Android 6 Application for Release|The Release Preparation Process]]#* [[Signing and Preparing an Android 6 Application for Release|Changing the Build Variant]]#* [[Signing and Preparing an Android 6 Application for Release|Enabling ProGuard]]#* [[Signing and Preparing an Android 6 Application for Release|Creating a Keystore File]]#* [[Signing and Preparing an Android 6 Application for Release|Generating a Private Key]]#* [[Signing and Preparing an Android 6 Application for Release|Creating the Application APK File]]#* [[Signing and Preparing an Android 6 Application for Release|Register for a Google Play Developer Console Account]]#* [[Signing and Preparing an Android 6 Application for Release|Uploading New APK Versions to the Google Play Developer Console]]<br><br># [[Integrating Google Play In-app Billing into an Android 6 Application]]#* [[Integrating Google Play In-app Billing into an Android 6 Application|Installing the Google Play Billing Library]]#* [[Integrating Google Play In-app Billing into an Android 6 Application|Creating the Example In-app Billing Project]]#* [[Integrating Google Play In-app Billing into an Android 6 Application|Adding Billing Permission to the Manifest File]]#* [[Integrating Google Play In-app Billing into an Android 6 Application|Adding the IInAppBillingService.aidl File to the Project]]#* [[Integrating Google Play In-app Billing into an Android 6 Application|Adding the Utility Classes to the Project]]#* [[Integrating Google Play In-app Billing into an Android 6 Application|Designing the User Interface]]#* [[Integrating Google Play In-app Billing into an Android 6 Application|Implementing the “Click Me” Button]]#* [[Integrating Google Play In-app Billing into an Android 6 Application|Google Play Developer Console and Google Wallet Accounts]]#* [[Integrating Google Play In-app Billing into an Android 6 Application|Obtaining the Public License Key for the Application]]#* [[Integrating Google Play In-app Billing into an Android 6 Application|Setting Up Google Play Billing in the Application]]#* [[Integrating Google Play In-app Billing into an Android 6 Application|Initiating a Google Play In-app Billing Purchase]]#* [[Integrating Google Play In-app Billing into an Android 6 Application|Implementing the onActivityResult Method]]#* [[Integrating Google Play In-app Billing into an Android 6 Application|Implementing the Purchase Finished Listener]]#* [[Integrating Google Play In-app Billing into an Android 6 Application|Consuming the Purchased Item]]#* [[Integrating Google Play In-app Billing into an Android 6 Application|Releasing the IabHelper Instance]]#* [[Integrating Google Play In-app Billing into an Android 6 Application|Modifying the File]]#* [[Integrating Google Play In-app Billing into an Android 6 Application|Testing the In-app Billing Application]]#* [[Integrating Google Play In-app Billing into an Android 6 Application|Building a Release APK]]#* [[Integrating Google Play In-app Billing into an Android 6 Application|Creating a New In-app Product]]#* [[Integrating Google Play In-app Billing into an Android 6 Application|Publishing the Application to the Alpha Distribution Channel]]#* [[Integrating Google Play In-app Billing into an Android 6 Application|Adding In-app Billing Test Accounts]]#* [[Integrating Google Play In-app Billing into an Android 6 Application|Configuring Group Testing]]#* [[Integrating Google Play In-app Billing into an Android 6 Application|Resolving Problems with In-App Purchasing]]<br><br># [[An Overview of Gradle in Android Studio - Android 6]]#* [[An Overview of Gradle in Android Studio - Android 6|An Overview of Gradle]]#* [[An Overview of Gradle in Android Studio - Android 6|Gradle and Android Studio]]#* [[An Overview of Gradle in Android Studio - Android 6|Sensible Defaults]]#* [[An Overview of Gradle in Android Studio - Android 6|Dependencies]]#* [[An Overview of Gradle in Android Studio - Android 6|Build Variants]]#* [[An Overview of Gradle in Android Studio - Android 6|Manifest Entries]]#* [[An Overview of Gradle in Android Studio - Android 6|APK Signing]]#* [[An Overview of Gradle in Android Studio - Android 6|ProGuard Support]]#* [[An Overview of Gradle in Android Studio - Android 6|The Top-level Gradle Build File]]#* [[An Overview of Gradle in Android Studio - Android 6|Module Level Gradle Build Files]]#* [[An Overview of Gradle in Android Studio - Android 6|Configuring Signing Settings in the Build File]]#* [[An Overview of Gradle in Android Studio - Android 6|Running Gradle Tasks from the Command-line]]<br><br># [[An Android Studio Gradle Build Variants Example - Android 6]]#* [[An Android Studio Gradle Build Variants Example - Android 6|Creating the Build Variant Example Project]]#* [[An Android Studio Gradle Build Variants Example - Android 6|Extracting the Hello World String Resource]]#* [[An Android Studio Gradle Build Variants Example - Android 6|Adding the Build Flavors to the Module Build File]]#* [[An Android Studio Gradle Build Variants Example - Android 6|Adding the Flavors to the Project Structure]]#* [[An Android Studio Gradle Build Variants Example - Android 6|Adding Resource Files to the Flavors]]#* [[An Android Studio Gradle Build Variants Example - Android 6|Testing the Build Flavors]]#* [[An Android Studio Gradle Build Variants Example - Android 6|Build Variants and Class Files]]#* [[An Android Studio Gradle Build Variants Example - Android 6|Adding Packages to the Build Flavors]]#* [[An Android Studio Gradle Build Variants Example - Android 6|Customizing the Activity Classes]]<br>br>
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