no edit summary
#* [[Implementing an Android Content Provider in Android Studio|Declaring the Content Provider in the Manifest File]]
#* [[Implementing an Android Content Provider in Android Studio|Modifying the Database Handler]]<br><br>
# [[Accessing Cloud Storage using the Android 6 Storage Access Framework]]
#* [[Accessing Cloud Storage using the Android 6 Storage Access Framework|The Storage Access Framework]]
#* [[Accessing Cloud Storage using the Android 6 Storage Access Framework|Working with the Storage Access Framework]]
#* [[Accessing Cloud Storage using the Android 6 Storage Access Framework|Filtering Picker File Listings]]
#* [[Accessing Cloud Storage using the Android 6 Storage Access Framework|Handling Intent Results]]
#* [[Accessing Cloud Storage using the Android 6 Storage Access Framework|Reading the Content of a File]]
#* [[Accessing Cloud Storage using the Android 6 Storage Access Framework|Writing Content to a File]]
#* [[Accessing Cloud Storage using the Android 6 Storage Access Framework|Deleting a File]]
#* [[Accessing Cloud Storage using the Android 6 Storage Access Framework|Gaining Persistent Access to a File]]<br><br>
# [[An Android 6 Storage Access Framework Example]]
#* [[An Android 6 Storage Access Framework Example|About the Storage Access Framework Example]]
#* [[An Android 6 Storage Access Framework Example|Creating the Storage Access Framework Example]]
#* [[An Android 6 Storage Access Framework Example|Designing the User Interface]]
#* [[An Android 6 Storage Access Framework Example|Declaring Request Codes]]
#* [[An Android 6 Storage Access Framework Example|Creating a New Storage File]]
#* [[An Android 6 Storage Access Framework Example|The onActivityResult() Method]]
#* [[An Android 6 Storage Access Framework Example|Saving to a Storage File]]
#* [[An Android 6 Storage Access Framework Example|Opening and Reading a Storage File]]
#* [[An Android 6 Storage Access Framework Example|Testing the Storage Access Application]]<br><br>
# [[Implementing Video Playback on Android 6 using the VideoView and MediaController Classes]]
#* [[Implementing Video Playback on Android 6 using the VideoView and MediaController Classes|Introducing the Android VideoView Class]]
#* [[Implementing Video Playback on Android 6 using the VideoView and MediaController Classes|Introducing the Android MediaController Class]]
#* [[Implementing Video Playback on Android 6 using the VideoView and MediaController Classes|Testing Video Playback]]
#* [[Implementing Video Playback on Android 6 using the VideoView and MediaController Classes|Creating the Video Playback Example]]
#* [[Implementing Video Playback on Android 6 using the VideoView and MediaController Classes|Designing the VideoPlayer Layout]]
#* [[Implementing Video Playback on Android 6 using the VideoView and MediaController Classes|Configuring the VideoView]]
#* [[Implementing Video Playback on Android 6 using the VideoView and MediaController Classes|Adding Internet Permission]]
#* [[Implementing Video Playback on Android 6 using the VideoView and MediaController Classes|Adding the MediaController to the Video View]]
#* [[Implementing Video Playback on Android 6 using the VideoView and MediaController Classes|Setting up the onPreparedListener]]<br><br>
# [[Video Recording and Image Capture on Android 6 using Camera Intents]]
#* [[Video Recording and Image Capture on Android 6 using Camera Intents|Checking for Camera Support]]
#* [[Video Recording and Image Capture on Android 6 using Camera Intents|Calling the Video Capture Intent]]
#* [[Video Recording and Image Capture on Android 6 using Camera Intents|Calling the Image Capture Intent]]
#* [[Video Recording and Image Capture on Android 6 using Camera Intents|Creating an Android Studio Video Recording Project]]
#* [[Video Recording and Image Capture on Android 6 using Camera Intents|Designing the User Interface Layout]]
#* [[Video Recording and Image Capture on Android 6 using Camera Intents|Checking for the Camera]]
#* [[Video Recording and Image Capture on Android 6 using Camera Intents|Launching the Video Capture Intent]]
#* [[Video Recording and Image Capture on Android 6 using Camera Intents|Handling the Intent Return]]
#* [[Video Recording and Image Capture on Android 6 using Camera Intents|Testing the Application]]<br><br>
# [[Making Runtime Permission Requests in Android 6.0]]
#* [[Making Runtime Permission Requests in Android 6.0|Understanding Normal and Dangerous Permissions]]
#* [[Making Runtime Permission Requests in Android 6.0|Creating the Permissions Example Project]]
#* [[Making Runtime Permission Requests in Android 6.0|Checking for a Permission]]
#* [[Making Runtime Permission Requests in Android 6.0|Requesting Permission at Runtime]]
#* [[Making Runtime Permission Requests in Android 6.0|Providing a Rationale for the Permission Request]]
#* [[Making Runtime Permission Requests in Android 6.0|Testing the Permissions App]]<br><br>
# [[Android 6 Audio Recording and Playback using MediaPlayer and MediaRecorder]]
#* [[Android 6 Audio Recording and Playback using MediaPlayer and MediaRecorder|Playing Audio]]
#* [[Android 6 Audio Recording and Playback using MediaPlayer and MediaRecorder|Recording Audio and Video using the MediaRecorder Class]]
#* [[Android 6 Audio Recording and Playback using MediaPlayer and MediaRecorder|About the Example Project]]
#* [[Android 6 Audio Recording and Playback using MediaPlayer and MediaRecorder|Creating the AudioApp Project]]
#* [[Android 6 Audio Recording and Playback using MediaPlayer and MediaRecorder|Designing the User Interface]]
#* [[Android 6 Audio Recording and Playback using MediaPlayer and MediaRecorder|Checking for Microphone Availability]]
#* [[Android 6 Audio Recording and Playback using MediaPlayer and MediaRecorder|Performing the Activity Initialization]]
#* [[Android 6 Audio Recording and Playback using MediaPlayer and MediaRecorder|Implementing the recordAudio() Method]]
#* [[Android 6 Audio Recording and Playback using MediaPlayer and MediaRecorder|Implementing the stopAudio() Method]]
#* [[Android 6 Audio Recording and Playback using MediaPlayer and MediaRecorder|Implementing the playAudio() method]]
#* [[Android 6 Audio Recording and Playback using MediaPlayer and MediaRecorder|Configuring and Requesting Permissions]]
#* [[Android 6 Audio Recording and Playback using MediaPlayer and MediaRecorder|Testing the Application]]<br><br>
# [[Working with the Google Maps Android 6 API in Android Studio]]
#* [[Working with the Google Maps Android 6 API in Android Studio|The Elements of the Google Maps Android API]]
#* [[Working with the Google Maps Android 6 API in Android Studio|Creating the Google Maps Project]]
#* [[Working with the Google Maps Android 6 API in Android Studio|Obtaining Your Developer Signature]]
#* [[Working with the Google Maps Android 6 API in Android Studio|Testing the Application]]
#* [[Working with the Google Maps Android 6 API in Android Studio|Understanding Geocoding and Reverse Geocoding]]
#* [[Working with the Google Maps Android 6 API in Android Studio|Adding a Map to an Application]]
#* [[Working with the Google Maps Android 6 API in Android Studio|Requesting Current Location Permission]]
#* [[Working with the Google Maps Android 6 API in Android Studio|Displaying the User’s Current Location]]
#* [[Working with the Google Maps Android 6 API in Android Studio|Changing the Map Type]]
#* [[Working with the Google Maps Android 6 API in Android Studio|Displaying Map Controls to the User]]
#* [[Working with the Google Maps Android 6 API in Android Studio|Handling Map Gesture Interaction]]
#* [[Working with the Google Maps Android 6 API in Android Studio|Map Zooming Gestures]]
#* [[Working with the Google Maps Android 6 API in Android Studio|Map Scrolling/Panning Gestures]]
#* [[Working with the Google Maps Android 6 API in Android Studio|Map Tilt Gestures]]
#* [[Working with the Google Maps Android 6 API in Android Studio|Map Rotation Gestures]]
#* [[Working with the Google Maps Android 6 API in Android Studio|Creating Map Markers]]
#* [[Working with the Google Maps Android 6 API in Android Studio|Controlling the Map Camera]]<br><br>
# [[Printing with the Android 6 Printing Framework]]