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C Sharp Events and Event Parameters

4 bytes added, 20:04, 28 January 2008
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In [[Understanding C Sharp GUI Events|Understanding C# Events]] we looked at the basics of events in applications with graphical user interfaces. In this chapter we will extend this knowledge base with an overview of how to use event parameters to obtain more information about an event in C#.
== The Anatomy of an Event Handler ==
Select the Form again and click on the lightening bolt button at the top of the properties panel. This will display a list of available events for the Form object. Scroll down the list and double click on the ''MouseClick'' event:
[[Image:c_sharp_mouseclick_event.jpg|Selecting a Mouseclick MouseClick event on a Windows Form]]
Once the ''MouseClick'' event has been select by double clicking the code for the event will be displayed. This code will appear as follows:

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