→JavaScript String Object Methods
<td>strike()<td>Returns string wrapped in the string in HTML <strike> and </strike> elements to produce a stikeout strikeout effect (e.g <strike>Example</strike>)</td>
<td>sup()<td>Returns string wrapped in the string in HTML <sup> and </sup> elements to produce a superscript effect (e.g <sup>Example</sup>)</td>
<td>substr(''start'', ''length'')<td>Accepts a start and length (number of characters) as arguments and returns the string fragment that is located between these two positions. ''length'' is optional. If not specified returns fragment from ''start'' index to end of string.</td>
<td>substring(''start'', ''end'')<td>Accepts a start and an end index as arguments and returns the string fragment that is located between these two positions. ''End'' is optional. If not specified returns fragment from ''start'' index to end of string.</td>
<td>toLowerCase()<td>Returns the string with all characters converted to lower case</td>
<td>toUpperCase()<td>Returns the string with all characters converted to upper case</td>