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C Sharp Flow Control with if and else

5 bytes removed, 20:29, 15 January 2008
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In the chapter titled [[C Sharp Operators and Expressions|C# Operators and Expressions]] we looked at how to use logical expressions in C# to determine whether something is ''true'' or ''false''. Since programming is largely an exercise in applying logic, much of the art of programming involves writing code that makes decisions based on one or more criteria. Such decisions define which code gets executed and, conversely, which code gets by-passed when the program is executing. This is often referred to as ''flow control'' since it controls the ''flow'' of program execution.
In previous chapters the ''if'' statement has been used in some examples. In this chapter of [[C Sharp Essentials|C# Essentials]] we are going to look at the ''if'' statements in a little more detailsdetail.
== Using the if Statement ==

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