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Enhance your Fedora Desktop with gDesklets

17 bytes added, 21:02, 18 December 2007
Install New gDesklet Packages
By default Fedora does not install all the currently available desklets. A more complet elist of avaiable desklets can be found at [[]].
Any of these desklets can be downloaded for free and added to your desktop. To do so simply download your chosen desklets and start the gDesklet shell (''Applications->Accessories->gDesklets''). If you have saved the package file to your desktop, simply click and drag the package icon into the ''gDesklet Shell'' to install it. Alternatively, in the gDesklet Shell, select ''File->Install Package'' and in the file selection dialog navigate to the downloaded package, select it and click on the ''Open'' button. A dialog will appear informing you that the package has been installed. Browse the desklets in the ''gDesklet Shell'' window until you find the new desklet. Select it and launch it from the ''File'' menu.
The following figure shows a Fedora Desktop with the ''GoodWeather'', ''reloj'' clock and ''calendar'' desklets installed:

Navigation menu