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A Guided Tour of the Fedora GNOME Desktop

16 bytes removed, 21:54, 10 December 2007
The Desktop Background
The desktop background constitutes the swirling graphics in the above figure. Fedora 8 introduced the concept of a dynamically changing desktop background. In Fedora 8 the background changes color gradually as the day progresses. If you don't like the default desktop you can change it to either a selection of pre-installed images, or to a digital picture or image of your choosing. To find out more about customizing the background read [[Changing the Fedora GNOME Desktop Background]] chapter.
The desktop also provides a location for folders for which quick access is required. A link to the users home folder is added to the desktop by default, as are the ''My Computer'' and ''Trash'' icons. The former provides access to storage devices and the network. The latter contains any files that have been placed in the trash can. Double clicking on ''My Computer'' displays following dialog:a desktop icon opens that
[[Image:fedora_desktop_my_computer.jpg|The Fedora GNOME Desktop My Computer Dialog]]
Double click on any device to open a file browser containing the files and folders on that device. Alternatively, right click on a device and select ''Properties'' from the popup menu to find out information about the device. In the case of the ''filesystem'' device the resulting dialog provides information such as disk usage and

Navigation menu