→Ruby on Microsoft Windows
By far the easiest way to install Ruby on Windows is to use something called the ''One-Click Ruby Installer''. This is an executable which, when run, performs the installation of Ruby onto a system. It also installs a mechanism by which Ruby may be easily removed from the system a later date.
To use the ''One-Click Ruby Installer'' go to [http://rubyforge.org http://rubyforge.org], scroll down to the link to download the One-Click Installer and click on it. A second page will appear listing the various releases of the One-Click Installer. If you are felling feeling brave, choose the latest ''Release Candidate''. If you prefer something a little more tried and tested, select the the last non-release candidate download (for example, ruby186-26.exe).
Once the executable has downloaded, launch it as you would any other Windows application.