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<td valign="top">[[File:swiftui_essentials.png|Click to Read SwiftUI Essentials - iOS Edition|link= SwiftUI Essentials]]<td>[https:// SwiftUI Essentials - iOS Edition] The goal of this book is to teach the skills necessary to build iOS 13 applications using SwiftUI, Xcode 11 and the Swift 5 programming language.
<br><br>[https:// Read this book>>]</td>
<td valign="top">[[File:rhel_8_essentials.png|Click to Read Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 Essentials|link=Red Hat Enterprise Linux Essentials]]<td>[[Red Hat Enterprise Linux Essentials|Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 Essentials]] Fully updated for RHEL 8, the goal of this book is to teach the skills necessary to install, administer and deploy RHEL 8 systems.

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