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Managing Fedora Linux Users and Groups

No change in size, 17:56, 20 August 2007
Adding a User to a Fedora Linux System
== Adding a User to a Fedora Linux System ==
There are two methods for adding new users to a system, one way is using the graphical ''User Settings'' tool and the other is to use the ''adduseruseradd'' command-line tool. In this section we will look at both approaches.
To add a new user to your Fedora Linux system using the ''User settings'' tool select ''System'' desktop menu and choose ''Users and Groups'' from the ''Administration'' sub-menu. A dialog similar to the one shown below will appear:
su -
adduser useradd --home /home/john john
passwd john
The above commands will prompt for the root passowrd of your system and the password for the account. Once the information has been gathered ''adduseruseradd'' creates the new account and the /home/john home directory. ''adduseruseradd'' provides a number of different options which can be learned from the man page:
man adduseruseradd

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