→Adding Items to a GNOME Destop Panel
To add a binary or application not currently available from the desktop menus simply select the ''Custom Application Launcher'' and specify the path to the application and provide a name. Click on the ''No icon'' button to select an icon to represent the item on the panel.
== Changing the Number of Ubuntu Desktop Workspaces ==
The GNOME desktop supports multiple desktop workspaces (these are essentially individual screens which the user can switch between to avoid having to have all applications cluttered onto one screen). Switching between workspaces is achieved by clicking on the workspaces in the bottom desktop panel:
By default Ubuntu configures two workspaces. To increase the number of workspaces rigth click with the mouse of the workspace control in the panel and select ''Prefernces''. Simply increase the ''Number of workspaces'' value to the desired number. The name of each workspace may be changed by double clicking on the default name in the list (Desk 1, Desk 2 etc) and typing in a new name.
== Customizing the Desktop Menus ==