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The History of JavaScript

No change in size, 13:17, 30 May 2007
Moving on from Static Web Pages
It is important to keep in mind that before JavaScript most web page functionality was provided through the process of a web browser sending a request to a web server, and the web server returning a page of HTML in response to that request. Any change to the information in the web browser window typically required the transmission of another entire page from web server. In essence the web browser, though typically running on a desktop or laptop computer capable of performing highly complexing tasks, was relegated to the task of simply displaying pages of information sent from a server.
Recognizing the need for browser or ''client side'' intelligence Netscape began work on a scripting langauge language that would enable web designers to imbed code into the HTML of web pages to provide features such as client side validation of user input, dynamic display of data and event driven functionality (for example performing local processing when a push button is pressed or data entered into a text field).
= LiveScript, JavaScript, JScript, ECMAScript - What's in a Name? =

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