
Getting and Installing Ruby

61 bytes added, 13:36, 31 March 2009
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== Installing Ruby on Linux ==
There are a number of different Linux distributions available today and it makes sense to install the Ruby package built specifically for your chosen Linux flavor. The best way to do this is to use the standard package manager for that particalur particular Linux.
=== Ruby on Red Hat Enterprise and Fedora Linux ===
Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Fedora Linux both use the ''YUM'' installation manager and the Red Hat Package Manager (''rpm''). The first step is to verify if Ruby is already installed. This can be achieved using the following rpm command. In this example, Ruby is not yet installed:
To install ruby, simply run the ''apt-get'' commandas instructed in the message:
=== Ruby on Microsoft Windows ===
By far the easiest way to install Ruby on Windows is to use something called the ''One-Click Ruby Installer''. This is an executable which, when run, performs the installation of Ruby onto a system. It also installs a mechanism by which Ruby may be easily removed from the system at a later date.
To use the ''One-Click Ruby Installer'' go to [], scroll down to the link to download the One-Click Installer and click on it. A second page will appear listing the various releases of the One-Click Installer. If you are feeling brave, choose the latest ''Release Candidate''. If you prefer something a little more tried and tested, select the the last non-release candidate download (for example, ruby186-26.exe).
Once the executable has downloaded, launch it as you would any other Windows application.
Another option is to launch the ''fxri'' tool from the Windows Start menu. This is an interactive tool which provides both access to the Ruby documentation and also the Ruby console for interactively entering Ruby code: