
The C Sharp Language and Environment

1 byte added, 15:46, 9 January 2008
Non Microsoft Implementation of the CLI
Beyond the basics there is also the ''Framework Class Library''. This is a Microsoft library which contains APIs for the creation of graphical user interfaces, database applications, web access and much, much more.
== Non Microsoft Implementation Implementations of the CLI ==
Microsoft's implementation of the CLI stack is called .NET. .NET is not, however, the only implementation available. Another implementation provided by Microsoft is called ''Rotor''. Rotor is available for Windows, Mac OS and FreeBSD and is availabel in source form. Rotor, however, is primarily a learning tool is licensed under terms which prohibit use as a basis of commercial applications.
Other significant implementations the Mono and DotGNU projects which is are open source CLI implementation targeted at Windows, Linux and Unix platforms. Whilst these are significant and well implemented CLI stacks, the majority of C# development is taking place on Windows systems and as such this will be the primary focus of this book.