
Create Your Own Fedora Distribution with Revisor

2 bytes added, 20:56, 6 December 2007
Selecting the Re-Spin Packages
[[Image:revisor_package_selection.jpg|Fedora re-spin package selection]]
A this point, simply work your way through the list of categories. Click on the check box to include the mandatory packages for that category in your distribution. For example, if you click on the ''Applications'' group and scroll down to ''Office/Productivity''. If you check the ''Office/Productivity'' check box a subset of packages from that category will be added to the distribution. To add optional packages for any category, simply select that category and click on the ''Optional Packages'' button. The resulting dialog will allow you to include any non-mandatory packages you feel you need in your distribution.
Once you have made suitable package selections click once again on the ''Forward'' button. Revisor will now review your selections and add any packages that need to be added to resolve the dependencies of your chosen packages. Once any dependencies have been resolved a new screen will appear listing the number of packages selected and the size of the images. Click on the forward button to begin the image creation process. Revisor will then download each package from a suitable online repository and begin creating images. This can a long time, depending on the speed of the system on which revisor is running combined with the number of packages to be included in the images and the speed of your internet connection.