→Creating a New File with Ruby
With this information in mind we can, therefore, create a new file in "write" mode as follows:
File.new("temp.txt", "w")
=> #<File:temp.txt>
== Opening Existing Files ==
Existing files may be opened using the ''open'' method of the ''File'' class:
file = File.open("temp.txt")
=> #<File:temp.txt>
Note that existing files may be opened in different modes as outlined in the table above. For example, we can open a file in read-only mode:
file = File.open("temp.txt", "r")
=> #<File:temp.txt>
It is also possible to identify whether a file is already open using the ''closed?'' method:
=> false
Finally, we can close a file using the ''close'' method of the Ruby ''File'' class:
file = File.open("temp.txt", "r")
=> #<File:temp.txt>
=> nil
== Renaming and Deleting Files in Ruby ==
Files are renamed and deleted in Ruby using the ''rename'' and ''delete'' methods respectively. For example, we can create a new file, rename it and then delete it:
File.new("tempfile.txt", "w")
=> #<File:tempfile.txt>
File.rename("tempfile.txt", "newfile.txt")
=> 0
=> 1