→Understanding Variable and Constant Scope
== Declaring and Referencing Visual Basic Constants ==
Constants, once declared and initialized cannot be changed (hence the name ''constant' and are declared using the Visual Basic ''Const'' keyword. The syntax for declaring variables is as follows:
'''Const''' ''constName'' '''As''' ''datatype'' = ''value''.
For example, to declare a String constant named ''companyName'' with a value of ''Techotopia'' the declaration would read as follows:
Const companyName As String = "Techotopia"
A Visual Basic constant is referenced using the name defined when the constant was declared. For example, the following Visual Basic code sets the ''Text'' roperty of a Label control to the string value contained in the ''companyName'' constant:
Const companyName As String = "Techotopia"
companyLabel.Text = companyName
== Declaring and Referencing Visual Basic Constants ==