no edit summary
[[Image:pagefair_basic_setup.png|Pagefair basic setup]]
Figure 5-1
[[Image:wordpress_header_template.png|Locating a WordPress header template]]
Figure 5-2
[[Image:wordpress_paste_pagefair_code.png|Installing the Pagefair ad blocking detection code into a WordPress template]]
Figure 5-3
[[Image:pagefair_adblocking_visitors.png|Tracking ad blocking in Pagefair]]
Figure 5-4
[[Image:google_analytics_sign_up.png|Creating a new Google Analytics account to monitor ad blocking on a website]]
Figure 5-5
[[Image:google_analytics_top_events.png|Viewing Ad Blocker events]]
Figure 5-6
[[Image:google_analytics_event_actions.png|Viewing Ad blocker events in Google Analytics]]
Figure 5-7
[[Image:google_analytics_event_actions_graph.png|Viewing ad blocker event actions in graph form]]
Figure 5-8
[[Image:google_analytics_set_date_range.png|Comparing ad blocker behavior for two time periods]]
Figure 5-9
[[Image:google_analytics_add_segment.png|Adding a new Google Analytics segment]]
Figure 5-10
[[Image:google_analytics_segment_conditions.png|Creating the AdBlocker segment in Google Analytics]]
Figure 5-11
[[Image:google_analytics_add_segment_category.png|Setting up a new event category to analyze ad blocking behavior]]
Figure 5-12
[[Image:google_analytics_segment_condition_filter.png|Configuring event matching to detect ad blocker events in Google Analytics]]
Figure 5-13
[[Image:google_analytics_add_segment_action.png|Configuring an event action for tracking ad blocking]]
Figure 5-14
[[Image:google_analytics_add_segment_filter_complete.png|Setting up a Google Analytics filter]]
Figure 5-15
[[Image:google_analytics_audience_segment.png|Analyzing Ad Blocking tracking data]]
Figure 5-16
[[Image:google_analytics_segment_country.png|Tracking Ad Blocker behavior by country in Google Analytics]]
Figure 5-17
[[Image:google_analytics_remove_segment.png|Google Analytics removing ad blocker segment]]
Figure 5-18
To reapply the segment to the analysis, click on the Add Segment panel and enable the AdBlockers check box within the segment list before clicking on the Apply button. If the AdBlockers segment data is to be displayed in relation to all other website visitors, be sure to keep the All Users option enabled:
[[Image:google_analytics_enable_segment.png|Google Analytics enabling ad blocker segment]]
Figure 5-19