
Configuring Ubuntu Linux Wireless Networking

1 byte added, 15:54, 3 July 2007
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In the above example Ubuntu has located a wireless network called ''neilandcheryl'' and shows a moderately low signal strength. The small shield icon next to the network name indicates that this is an encrypted network. It is also possible from this drop down menu to connect to other wireless networks, configure a network connection manually or create a new wireless network.
== Configuring a Wireless Network Connection ==
If the above drop down menu lists a wireless network for which you have an encyption encryption key or passphrase simply click on the network name to invoke the ''Wireless Network Key Required'' dialog:
To configure a wireless network connection , select the ''Wireless connection'' entry from the Network Settings list and click on the ''Properties'' button. The following dialog will then appear:
If your wireless base station is configured to provide IP addresses using DHCP (the most common configuration) then leave this setting unchanged. In the unlikely event that you are required to manually enter network configuration information change this setting to ''Static IP address'' and enter your IP address, subnet mask and gateway address. If you are unsure as to what these values are check with your network administrator.
All being well your Ubuntu Linux system should now be connected to your wireless network.