
Preparing the Project Files
== Preparing the Project Files ==
The first example transition animation will be implemented through the use of the beginDelayedTransition() method of the TransitionManager class. The first step, however, is to assign an ID to the parent layout view element in the user interface layout created for us by Eclipse. Locate and double click on the res -> layouts -> activity_transition_demofragment_transition_demo.xml file in the Package Explorer panel to load it into the graphical layout tool. Once loaded, right click on the background of the view canvas that represents the parent RelativeLayout container and select the Assign ID… menu option. In the resulting dialog, name the layout view myLayout and click on OK to commit the change.
Right click on the TextView object that currently displays the Hello world! text and use the Change Widget Type… menu option to convert the TextView into a Button. Repeat the above steps on this button, this time assigning the ID myButton1 to the view.