Objective-C 2.0 Essentials
This on-line book is currently under development. It is scheduled for completion in November 2009.
- About Objective-C Essentials
- The History of Objective-C
- Installing Xcode and Compiling Objective-C on Mac OS X
- Installing and using GNUstep and Objective-C on Windows
- Installing and Using GNUstep and Objective-C on Linux
- Building and Installing GNUstep on Linux
- Objective-C 2.0 Data Types
- Working with Variables and Constants in Objective-C
- Objective-C Operators and Expressions
- What is an Expression?
- The Basic Assignment Operator
- Objective-C Arithmetic Operators
- Compound Assignment Operators
- Increment and Decrement Operators
- Comparison Operators
- Boolean Logical Operators
- The Ternary Operator
- Bitwise Operators
- Bitwise AND
- Bitwise OR
- Bitwise XOR
- Bitwise Left Shift
- Bitwise Right Shift
- Compound Bitwise Operators
- Objective-C Flow Control with if and else
- The Objective-C switch Statement
- Objective-C Looping - The for Statement
- Objective-C Looping with do and while Statements
- An Overview of Objective-C Object Oriented Programming
- What is an Object?
- What is a Class?
- Declaring an Objective-C Class Implementation
- Adding Instance Variables to a Class
- Define Class Methods
- Declaring an Objective-C Class Implementation
- Declaring, Initializing and Releasing a Class Instance
- Calling Methods and Accessing Instance Data
- Creating the Program Section
- Bringing it all Together
- Structuring Object-Oriented Objective-C Code
- Writing Objective-C Class Methods
- Objective-C - Data Encapsulation, Synthesized Accessors and Dot Notation
- Objective-C Inheritance
- Objective-C Dynamic Binding and Typing with the id Type
- Objective-C Variable Scope and Storage Class
- An Overview of Objective-C Functions
- Objective-C Enumerators
- An Overview of the Objective-C Foundation Framework
- Working with String Objects in Objective-C
- Strings without NSString
- Declaring Constant String Objects
- Creating Mutable and Immutable String Objects
- Getting the Length of a String
- Copying a String
- Searching for a Substring
- Replacing Parts of a String
- String Search and Replace
- Deleting Sections of a String
- Extracting a Subsection of a String
- Inserting Text into a String
- Appending Text to the End of a String
- Comparing Strings
- Checking for String Prefixes and Suffixes
- Converting to Upper or Lower Case
- Converting Strings to Numbers
- Converting a String Object to ASCII
- Understanding Objective-C Number Objects