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Windows PowerShell 1.0 Essentials
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Table of Contents
Installing Windows PowerShell 1.0
Installing Windows PowerShell on Windows Server 2008
Performing a Windows Server 2008 PowerShell Command Line Installation
Installing PowerShell on Windows Server 2003, XP and Vista Systems
The Basics of the Windows PowerShell 1.0 Interactive Shell
The Windows PowerShell Command Prompt
PowerShell Command Line Editing Keys
PowerShell Command Completion
Customizing the PowerShell Window
Windows PowerShell 1.0 Commands and Aliases
PowerShell 1.0 Command Summary
PowerShell 1.0 Alias Summary
Creating and Listing PowerShell Aliases
Windows PowerShell 1.0 String Quoting and Escape Sequences
Using Double Quotes
Using Single Quotes
Using the PowerShell Escape Character
PowerShell Special Escape Sequences
Directing and Formatting Windows PowerShell 1.0 Output
The Default Output
The Out-Host Cmdlet
The Out-Printer Cmdlet
The Out-File Cmdlet
The Out-Null Cmdlet
The Out-String Cmdlet
Formatting PowerShell Output
Understanding and Creating Windows PowerShell 1.0 Variables
Naming a Variable in PowerShell
Creating and Assigning a Value to a PowerShell Variable
Accessing PowerShell Variable Values
Changing the Type of a PowerShell Variable
Pre-defined PowerShell Variables
Basic Windows PowerShell 1.0 Types
PowerShell Numeric Types
Specifying Hexadecimal Numbers
PowerShell Boolean Type
PowerShell String Type
PowerShell Type Casting
Working with Arrays in Windows PowerShell 1.0
Creating a Windows PowerShell Array
Creating Windows PowerShell Multidimensional Arrays
Obtaining the Length of an Array
Accessing Elements in a Windows PowerShell Array
Accessing Elements in a Windows PowerShell Multidimensional Array
Adding new Elements to a Windows PowerShell Array
Combining Windows PowerShell Arrays
Windows PowerShell 1.0 Hashtables
Creating PowerShell Hashtables
Accessing Hashtable Elements
Modifying Windows PowerShell Hashtable Elements
Adding Elements to a Windows PowerShell Hashtable
Removing Elements from a Windows PowerShell Hashtable
Clearing All Elements from a Windows PowerShell Hashtable
Combining Hashtables
Listing Hashtable Count, Keys and Values
Basic Windows PowerShell 1.0 Operators
What is an Expression?
Windows PowerShell Basic Assignment Operator
Windows PowerShell Compound Assignment Operators
Windows PowerShell Arithmetic Operators
PowerShell Increment and Decrement Operators
Windows PowerShell & Operator
Windows PowerShell Bitwise and Logical Operators
Windows PowerShell 1.0 Comparison and Containment Operators
Windows PowerShell Comparison Operators
Windows PowerShell Containment Operators
Performing Windows PowerShell Comparisons
Using Comparison Operators with Arrays and Collections
Using PowerShell Containment Operators
Windows PowerShell 1.0 Pipes and Redirection
PowerShell Pipes
Windows PowerShell Redirection Operators
Windows PowerShell Redirection
Redirecting Error Output
Windows PowerShell 1.0 Flow Control with if, else and elseif
Using the if Statement
Using if ... else .. Statements
Using if ... elseif .. Statements
Windows PowerShell 1.0 Looping with the for and foreach Statements
The PowerShell for Loop
Creating an Infinite for Loop
Breaking Out of a for Loop
Nested for Loops
Breaking From Nested Loops with Labels
Continuing for Loops
Windows PowerShell foreach Loops
Windows PowerShell 1.0 Looping with do and while Statements
The Windows PowerShell while Loop
Windows PowerShell do ... while loops
Breaking from while Loops
The continue Statement
The Windows PowerShell 1.0 switch Statement
Why Use a switch Statement?
Windows PowerShell switch Statement Syntax
A switch Statement Example
Explaining the Example
Using break in a Windows PowerShell switch Statement
The switch $_ Variable
Using Expressions in a Windows PowerShell switch Statement
Wildcards, Regular Expressions and Case Sensitivity in switch Statements
Using switch Statements to Iterate Through Ranges and Collections
Using the continue Statement
Last modified on 27 October 2016, at 20:11