Create Your Own Fedora Distribution with Revisor
One of the common complaints about Linux distributions was that you had to download large installation images containing all kinds of packages that you probably didn't need and wouldn't even include in the resulting installation. These times are now changing and with Fedora you now have the power to create your own Fedora distribution containing just the packages you need. This conpect is known as creating a Re-spin. On Fedora, a re-spin is created using something called Revisor, a graphical based tool designed to take you through the steps necessary to define and create your own Linux distribution. Once you have completed the revisor process you can then create either an installation image, or a live image of your own Fedora distribution.
In this chapter of Fedora Linux Essentials we will look at creating Fedora Re-spins using revisor.
Installing Revisor on Fedora
Revisor is not typically installed by default when Fedora is installed. The first step, in creating your own Fedora spin, therefore, is to install the revisor software. This can most easily be achieved using the yum tool. To run the yum command open a terminal window (Applications->System Tools->Terminal) and run enter the following commands (providing the root password for your system when prompted to do so):
su - yum install revisor
Yum will calculate the package dependencies for revisor and will proceed with the installation.