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Understanding JavaScript Functions

2,845 bytes added, 18:26, 24 April 2007
New page: JavaScript function provide a way to organize scripts and promote reuse. Rather than create longs sections of script scattered throughout an HTML page the script is instead organized into ...
JavaScript function provide a way to organize scripts and promote reuse. Rather than create longs sections of script scattered throughout an HTML page the script is instead organized into logical groups. JavaScript functions are simple to use, in fact you only need to do two things with a function, declare it and call it.

== Declaring and Calling a JavaScript Function ==

The syntax of a JavaScript fucntion is as follows:


function ''name'' ( ''argument1'', ''argument2'', ''argument3'' ... )
return ''value''

The ''name'' specifies how we will refer to this function when we call it. The ''arguments'' specify values that are passed through to the function to be processed. The ''statements'' section represents the body of the function that performs the processing. The optional ''return'' statement allows a value to be returned the section of scripted that called the function (for example to return a status or the result of a calculation.

Arguments and return values are not mandatory. the following simple example shows a function defined in the ''<head>'' section of an HTML page and a ''call'' to this function in the ''<body>'':


<title>A Simple JavaScript Function Example</title>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">

function sayHello()
<h1>Calling a function</h1>

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">



In the above example the sayHello() function does not accept any arguments and returns no values. Passing arguments to a function.

== Passing arguments to a Function ==

If a function has been declared to accept arguments then they are passed through when the function is called. We can extend our previous example to accept two arguments, the day and month:


<title>A Simple JavaScript Function Example</title>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">

function sayHello( day, month )
alert("Hello!, today is the " + day + " of " + month);
<h1>Calling a function</h1>

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
sayHello( "24th", "July" );
sayHello ( "1st", "August" );
sayHello ( "24th", "May" );



In this example the function is called multiple times, passing through arguments that are then used in the function to construct a string to bne displayed in the alert dialog. To achieve this without functions it would ne necessary to repeat the script in the function 3 times over in the body. Clearly placing the script ina function and re-using it over and over is a much more efficient approach.

Next we need to look at how a function might return a value.

== Returning a Value from a Function ==

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