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Customizing the Ubuntu GNOME Desktop Panels

43 bytes added, 20:01, 29 June 2007
Customizing the Desktop Menus
The desktop menus can be fully customized in terms of adding new menu items, adding new menus, and changing the order of items in the menu. To customize a menu right click over the menu name in the panel and select ''Edit menu''.
[[Image:gnome_menu_edit.jpg|Editing GNOME Desktop Menus]]
Selecting an item from the list of menus will display the menu options for that menu. To modify the entries in the menu use the check boxes to activate or deactivate specific options. For example clicking on ''Accessories'' displays the items in the ''Accessories'' menu. Add new items using the ''Add Item'' button and specifying a name, path to the exectuable and an icon.
To move an item select the item in the list and use the ''Move up'' and ''Move down'' to change the position of the item in the menu.

Navigation menu